環球頭條-環球新聞報 新闻 “澳門故事”短視頻創作大賽評選及頒獎典禮圓滿落幕



大賽邀請了環球新聞報社長邱躍進博士、澳門蓮花衛視節目部總監戴星馨先生、澳門直播協會副會長傅騰龍先生、思路傳媒執行董事吳靖先生、澳門美食博主詹麗燕女士、餐飲產業發展協會理事長楊榮光先生和Heey! Event共同創辦人陳茵茵女士擔任決賽評委嘉賓。開幕儀式伊始,首先由吳國民院長進行開場致辭,並向多位評委嘉賓及大賽贊助機構餐飲產業發展協會理事長楊榮光先生和Heey! Event共同創辦人陳茵茵女士贈禮合影,表達歡迎與誠摯感謝。




酒旅學院黃穎祚課程主任表達活動幫助澳門酒店與旅遊業與時俱進發展初心,並對在場嘉賓和所有活動參與者與工作人員表示感謝。活動隨著評選結果公佈進入高潮,嘉賓分別為獲得優秀獎、最佳人氣獎、最佳劇情獎、最佳演繹獎、最佳剪輯獎、Heey! event 創新獎頒獎,本次活動的金、銀、銅獎分別由《食光澳門》、《教你如何做一份經典燒雞飯》、《中廚風雲》三個作品獲得。



The Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management of Macau University of Science and Technology held the “Macau Story” Short Video Creation Contest and Award Ceremony

In order to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the school and to demonstrate the school’s sense of social responsibility of being based in Macau, cultivating Macau and serving Macau, the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management organized the “Macau Story” short video creation competition. The registration was opened on March 15, 2023. After the active participation of the participating students and the selection process, the final selection and award ceremony was held on April 25, 2023.

The opening ceremony started with an opening speech by Professor Ben K. Goh, the Dean of FHTM, and he has introduced the guests and judges of this event, they are Dr. Qiu Yuejin, President of Global News, Mr. Dai Xingxin, Director of Program Department of Lotus TV Macau, Mr. Fu TungLung, Vice President of Macau Live Broadcast Association, Mr. Wu Jing, Executive Director of RAE Macau, Ms. Tsim LaiYin, Macau food blogger, Mr. Yeung WingKwong, President of Macau Food and Beverage Industry Development Association, and Ms. Chan Yan Yan, co-founder of Heey! Event and many other distinguished guests. Professor Ben K. Goh presented souvenirs to the guests as a gesture of welcome and sincere gratitude.”

During the final round of the competition, attendees gained a deeper understanding of the Macau brand story through the beautiful short videos and sharing introductions of the participating students, such as the rich heritage of Taste of Macau, the gold pavilion restaurant filled with worldly passions, and the unique perspective of Macau’s cuisine. After the videos were played, the seven judges provided professional and insightful comments to guide students in focusing on audience awareness, story structure, film and television production techniques, and expressed surprise and expectation for the works’ future development.

The event culminated in the announcement of the awards for excellence, best popularity, best plot, best performance, best editing, and Heey! event innovation award. The gold, silver, and bronze awards were won by “Taste of Macau,” “Teaching You How to Make Classic Roast Chicken Rice,” and “Chinese Kitchen.”

The “Macau Story” Short Video Creation Competition not only enhances students’ practical abilities but also promotes local small and medium-sized catering enterprises in Macau, instilling a sense of responsibility for the development of Macau’s tourism industry. Once again, thanks to the Macau Food and Beverage Industry Development Association, the Association of Macau Small and Medium Enterprises of Catering and HeeY! Event Planning and Production Co., Ltd. for their strong support for this event. The “Macau Story” Short Video Creation Competition has come to a successful end!


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